Association of Surf Angling Clubs
Association of Surf Angling Clubs
Greg O'Connell - ASAC President
272 Church St. Mays Landing, NJ
Phone: (609) 204-0220

2024 Awards

The Association of Surf Angling Clubs was founded in 1915 by a dedicated group of surf anglers primarily interested in perfecting and improving the art of surfcasting. Several of those instrumental in its founding were H.W. Shaner, who was Secretary/Treasurer for 50 years, Harry Stelwagon and numerous others.

Since the beginning of the Association, tournaments were and remain the prime focus of the Association, sanctioning surf fishing tournaments and acting as an arbiter when needed. The Association also reviews and calculates the points at each tournament to determine the championship teams and individual champions. The team and individual winners are awarded championship jackets, prizes and awards at the end of the tournament season.

One of the original concepts for the Association during its formation was conservation of marine resources, though no active role was played by the Association in this field until the original pressure for Striped Bass Legislation was made in 1948.
At that time, the Association played a very active role in the passage of the rules now in effect. Since that period, the Association has continued its role as a leader in the conservation field, especially in the state of New Jersey, where the majority of member clubs are located.

Presently, the Association promotes surf fishing to our youth through youth fishing tournaments and seminars. With the help of several communities, the Hooked on Fishing not on Drugs program and the Dare program, youth fishing tournaments have grown and stimulated the interest in the art of surf fishing for many of our youth. These tournaments have well over 200 children participate.

In addition to tournaments, conservation, and youth education, the Association takes an active role in beach access for all, up and down the East Coast. The Association is an active member of UMAPA, (United Mobile Access Preservation Association) with many of the clubs individual members belonging to access groups such as New Jersey Beach Buggy Association, North Carolina Beach Buggy Association, Outer Banks Preservation Association and others.

The main goal of the Association of Surf Angling Clubs is as it always has been and still does, to promote the sport of Surf Fishing.
As we move closer to our 100th Anniversary, many people to numerous to mention have kept up the tradition of this organization and all from the founders to today's officers are to be commended for a job well done.

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